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There’s many different options when it comes to choosing the proper entertainment for your corporate event and there is no denying the fact that everyone loves to laugh. Tony is a highly sought-after entertainer in the corporate marketplace because his show offers so much more than just comedy or magic; the mixture of the magic and comedy along with audience participation, characters, impressions and live music will be sure to please the most discerning audience.


As the Master of Ceremonies for your next awards show or banquet, Tony can keep the pace fast and the event both funny and interesting.  He can customize the material to fit your theme and include it along with his time-tested, hilarious routines.


Tony is a master of the “after dinner show”, after all, he has performed over 9,500 of them in Orlando since 2000.  Laugh-out-loud, high-energy fun and he encourages your guests to get out their cell phones for photos and videos of their co-workers onstage in hilarious situations.


With a background in performing arts, Tony’s theater show is a perfect match for those who appreciate live theater.


Tony volunteers his time for various causes.  He performs monthly for sick children at the Florida Hospital for Children and in the past has worked with St. Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and others.  He also teaches and performs at a ranch for at-risk children.  He has worked with such organizations as The Boys and Girls Club, Give Kids the World, Camp Happy Days for Children with Cancer and many others.

If you have an event that you think Tony might be interested and suited for, give us a shout and we’ll talk about it.


Below are just a few of the testimonials from some of Tony’s clients over the past 20 years:


“We keep hearing, ‘BRING TONY BACK!'”

-Amy Roehl
Communications Supervisor
Harrah’s Entertainment


“Every once in a while one attends a speech or show where one hopes the act won’t soon end, and when it’s over, one wishes it would have continued for another hour or two. This was the case with Tony that night.”

-Gene Geiger, President
Geiger Corp.


“You brought such excitement to our National Awards Ceremony that 4 days later we are still getting calls and emails about how much fun it was. You can be assured that I will highly recommend your act to any group or private function.”

-Kathy Anish, Vice-President
Nationa Art Assoc.

“Thank you for the wonderful job you did at our international convention. We had over 1,500 people in attendance and overwhelmingly they expressed how much they enjoyed your show.”

-Dan Link
ServiceMaster Corp.


“After seeing Tony at his dinner show we decided to bring him in for our company party at the Boca Raton Resort & Club.  We thought he would rock the house but he even surpassed that high expectation!  I’ve never seen my husband laugh so hard.”

-Dawn Baczewski, Owner

Asphalt Consultants, Inc. 



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Call (407) 376-6631 or email today for more information as well as staging and technical requirements.